Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Green velvet way  with  marked lines to follow so as to attain the desired meaning of love but there are two tracks to follow..indeed one may go wrong and other to the life you were in search........but guess it can be a couple together or solo.

10 Writingz.:

Vintage Obsession said...

beautiful picture so dreamy :)
very Alice in wonderland like.

Shadow said...

this beauty can only lead to more beauty...

Anil Sawan said...

nice :) two “out of place” doubts. [i] who is Nazia Mufti [u labeled the post]. [ii] any idea were this place is? it luks so captivating!

Escapist said...

@ Sawan -
1) My name.
2) No idea about place.


Anil Sawan said...

does Nazia have any meaning or is it just a name?
so nw i shal not call u mukta, mukta se Nazia ko mukti mili :D

Escapist said...

@ sawan--
Nazia means flower and a person whom you can be proud of.....


Escapist said...

@ sawan i wanted to ask you what do u mean by MUKHTA.....i understand Mukhti ..


Anil Sawan said...

In Sanskrit the meaning of the name Mukta is: Pearl. We usually find a single pearl in a shell, left out in the deepest of ocean and it remain like that thru out its life till it gets into the hands of someone who knows its worth. Just wanted to tell u that u r as precious, just wait for the world to realize tht :)so, from now, even when u feel u r alone, enjoy tht space :)

Escapist said...

@ sawan--- i am highly privileged.....

you my second friend who called me by this name...

Thanku so much...


P.S:- Keep turning on these pages you make them live.

Anil Sawan said...

cheers :)